Lake Windermere holidays

Self-catering accommodation in the Lake District

Lake District holiday cottages, apartments and lodges

Our cottages, apartments and lodges can be booked from 1 March 2025 to 5 January 2026.

From a safari tent to a boathouse, a glamping pod to an apartment, our Lake District holiday park is home to a wide range of self-catering accommodation. So, whether you're seeking an action-packed getaway with the family or a romantic escape with someone special, you are sure to find your ideal holiday retreat here at Hill of Oaks Lodge & Caravan Park.

We have dog-friendly accommodation for those who wouldn't dream of going on holiday without their furry friends.

Self-catering properties

Add a little treat...

We have a selection of holiday add-ons to tailor your experience perfectly to you. Subject to availability. T&Cs apply.

Make a splash

Add to your holiday fun and bring along a canoe, kayak or inflatable for just £20. Use of slipways included.

Make it special

Celebrating a special occasion, or just fancy a treat? We can leave Riondo Prosecco chilling in your fridge ready for your arrival.

Add some bubbles

Pop the cork and celebrate in style! Add a bottle of Bernard Robert Champagne and make your trip one to remember.

Get the best rates right here

When you book directly through our website, you're guaranteed to get the best price available.